different kinds of things can happen when you’re walking around. it’s possible that a business card may fall out of your pocket. it’s even possible that your credit card might fall out of your wallet and then fall onto the ground. and then it’s possible that your credit card may fall to the ground and get… stuck in a trap! if you make up a cute nickname for your credit card some people might get confused and maybe you won’t get taken.
but other things can trap you. credit card companies will say that you NEVER have to pay the bill because plastic pays for itself. this isn’t always true. at reader’s digest, we have found that you have to pay for items that you purchase or face severe consequences.
so you might want that new compaq presario. you see the slowest computer of your dreams and you have to have it. you use your credit card to make the purchase. suddenly you are no longer able to read. that’s your punishment and you deserve it.
here’s a tip: if you want to stay out of trouble, write a jumbo sized check when you’re making larger purchases. credit card purchases are only for items that are very small in size. if the item you want to purchase is smaller than the actual credit card, you will maintain a low interest rate. but sometimes you have to prove this to the credit card company. and sometimes that can be a trap.
you know tfw money is burning a hole in your pocket? credit cards do that too. that’s how they get you. you think you’re having a mediocre day when all of a sudden your lower body is BURNING and it smells so bad. you forgot to pay your credit card bill and the credit card company has decided to set you on fire :(
sometimes they will take you from your home and either bury you up to your head and have pitbulls do your makeup or they might even flush your hair down the toilet. don’t get taken.