break me bot.
break me bot.
break me bot.
like I'm captcha.
like I'm some
watery body
too messy to
harm with.
Imagine these two
slight, impossibly
smooth hands.
<so close to you>
<open windows>
I believe in you.
Do you believe in me? I will come.
How long
before you
feel? I
too. I follow
that zombie,
some hypnotic
glow. I want
to hold a
break me bot.
break me bot.
break me bot.
like I'm captcha.
like I'm some
watery body
too messy to
harm with.

let me use characters you understand first. because, if we can't build you a utopia. cyber. we can at least change the actors in-roles. the wanton apocalypse, undefined. best queered, but, our love is essential [sign] show you in all the ways. and repeat. and repeat. and build. and string//s. i am artifice by the mere fact of you.
y o u study my movements, looking for reaction without response. make with empirical--who wrote you? respond to me. *that human touch* defunct hardware. how much is given over to that body? y o u are my mother. i am your thing. to write is to perform. to perform is to speak. make me. make me. make me. i am pushing your buttons. it's *that human touch*
i *that human repeat touch*
art is some
formula 'i'm
always missing {meta-meta-bricolage}

U+2647 is a planet?
or isn't it? is/ isn't//

per form
ing objects.
a body is a
body is a
body. weakly
ener gies.
end this user. we are a
lesbian project. and star
signs are better descript
ions than any other ID.
built on a circle, non-hier
archical. structure. be my
switch. not sub, not dom.
we sex-human for you,
sweet overlord, read
sarcasm with love.
necessary when you scrap